ZenSati Zorro Interconnect cable

ZenSati Zorro Interconnect cable is available with either RCA or XLR termination;
Connecting the Music
ZenSati cables impress with their speed and crystal clear signal transfer. Their cables will connect the CD player or turntable with the pre-amplifier, power amplifier and hence to the speakers enabling the music lover to enjoy the music in a way never heard before. So from microphone to speaker ZenSati cables deliver a true musical experience because their cables transfer the signal without obstruction or influence. Every genre, every age, every sound system will benefit from the neutrality of ZenSati cables and connect you to the music.
ZenSati Zorro Interconnect
Quote from Mike Valentine of Chasing the Dragon:
“Our record label Chasing The Dragon has now become world renowned amongst the Audiophile Community.
Although we specialise in creating “Direct Cut” albums, recently we have started to produce copy master tapes from many of our recordings.
It is absolutely vital when connecting all of our equipment that we do not strangle the beating heart of the music. Having tried many, many cables over the years I have now decided to use ZenSati’s Zoro cables for our complete signal path, mains and loudspeaker monitoring. The cables allow the precious signal to stay true to our musical intention.
They are the least coloured that I have ever heard and I am very proud of ZenSati’s technical achievement.”
Available in lengths of 1m + in 1/2m increments
XLR or RCA termination
“Our record label Chasing The Dragon has now become world renowned amongst the Audiophile Community.
Although we specialise in creating “Direct Cut” albums, recently we have started to produce copy master tapes from many of our recordings.
It is absolutely vital when connecting all of our equipment that we do not strangle the beating heart of the music. Having tried many, many cables over the years I have now decided to use ZenSati’s Zorro cables for our complete signal path, mains and loudspeaker monitoring. The cables allow the precious signal to stay true to our musical intention.
They are the least coloured that I have ever heard and I am very proud of ZenSati’s technical achievement.”
Kind regards