Acapella La Campanella Alto 2

Due to the horn shape production, the resulting Acoustic spatial images radiate with inconceivable precision, this can be appreciated when listening to large Orchestras and Big Bands. The diffraction effects and space resonance problems are reduced to a minimum. Interactions with the various room acoustics become symmetrical especially with the low frequency ranges. The reproduced frequency spectra achieve a homogeneous single point-exact spatial image.
The special shaping of the horn allows a usable range of 5 Octaves. This technology, invented by Acapella, makes possible the theoretical ideal of a acoustic single point emitter very close to reality. Within the range of 700 Hz to over 20 kHz the Acapella LaCampanella Alto MK ll combines the medium high Hyper spherical horn together with 8 very fast Bass drivers achieves an acoustic single point image, the result is an extremely precise three-dimensional audible reproduction.
With the high impulse speed of the specially designed components the LaCampanella Alto MKll reproduces even smallest single instruments or voices which until now could only be heard only from the large Acapella systems.
With the LaCampanella Alto MK ll all the positive characteristics of a 2-Way System are achieved with the impressive abundance of a high power Loudspeaker. In addition the new LaCampanella Alto MK ll has increased efficiency contributing the use of low powered Tube amplifiers.
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Technical data
Dimensions | 2240 x 450 x 685 mm |
Efficiency | 95 dB/1W/1m |
Load capacity | 100 W; Impuls 1000 W (10 ms) |
Recommended power output of the amplifier | ab 15 W Sinus/4 Ohm |
Weight | approx. 160 kg |